[comp.sources.wanted] looking for what

leisner@parcvax.Xerox.COM (Martin Leisner) (06/29/88)

I'm looking for a copy of the what(1) command .  Anyone have a 
public domain C source or a pointer to where I can find it?


marty leisner
xerox corp.

jfh@rpp386.UUCP (John F. Haugh II) (07/02/88)

In article <917@parcvax.Xerox.COM> leisner@parcvax.Xerox.COM (Martin Leisner) writes:
>I'm looking for a copy of the what(1) command .  Anyone have a 
>public domain C source or a pointer to where I can find it?

the program is trivial to write yourself.  all what(1) does it search for
strings of the form @(#), and print the characters it finds after that
until it reaches a \n, \0 or something else i forget.  the C code has
fewer lines than this article.  (well, not really)  and yes, i have the
source to one.  i believe it is at work.

- john.
John F. Haugh II                 +--------- Cute Chocolate Quote ---------
HASA, "S" Division               | "USENET should not be confused with
UUCP:   killer!rpp386!jfh        |  something that matters, like CHOCOLATE"
DOMAIN: jfh@rpp386.uucp          |             -- with my apologizes