[comp.sources.wanted] UUCP for VMS

healy@canisius.UUCP (Patrick Healy @ Sigma Systems) (09/04/87)

Hi, I'm sure this is an oft asked question, but maybe someone out there can 
point me in the direction of how to obtain a UUCP-like PD product for VMS. I've
seen the UUCP from Hughes Aircraft and it requires a UNIX source license and
Berkely version of UNIX (I might be wrong though).  The best kind of product 
would be that that requires no Unix licenses at all, but I'd be interested
in just about anything...


USNAIL: Patrick Healy / Sigma Systems Technology / 
        5813 Main St. P.O. Box 634 / Williamsville, New York  14221
VOICE:  (716) 634-8787
UUCP:  ...!{decvax|watmath|allegra|rocksvax}!sunybcs!canisius!sigmast!pjh
                           "             ...!ames!canisius!sigmast!pjh
                           "             ...!sunybcs!canisius!healy
CSNET:  healy%canisius@CSNET-relay

misko@abhg.UUCP (William Miskovetz) (12/15/87)

  This has probably been asked a hundred times, but I never read these
newgroups (until now where at a new job I have a MicroVax II).  Is there
a uucp for VMS on a MicroVax?  Something which would allow mail and file
transfers between VMS and UNIX.  e-mail to me preferred.  Thanks for
any pointers.

Bill Miskovetz
{lll-lcc, ihnp4!lll-winken, pyramid}!abhg!misko

wes@engr.uky.edu (Wes Morgan) (07/15/88)

We recently 'inherited' a VAX running VMS.  We would like to integrate it
into our current family of UNIX machines.  Can some kind soul direct me
to a version of UUCP for VMS?

Please reply by email; let's save the net bandwidth.  If enough replies
are generated, I'll summarize.

Many thanks,
Wes Morgan

 wes@engr.uky.edu OR wes%ukecc.uucp@ukma OR ...{rutgers, uunet}!ukma!ukecc!wes
  One day, I can get rid of the above garbage and have ONE universal address.
             I don't, however, expect it to be any time soon.