[comp.sources.wanted] Looking for Moria 3.87 parts 1-3

pdprogs5@psc90.UUCP (DEZ) (08/08/88)


We are lookling for parts 1 through 3 of the new version of Moria 3.87.
We have all the other parts, and need these three parts to update from
Moria 3.85 to 3.87. So, to anyone who can help, thanks!!

     +-------------------+         +        
  +--+----------------+  |   +     |     +  UUCP:
  |  |  Deryk Marien  |  |   |-----|-----|  decvax!unhd!psc90!pdprogs5
  |  |                |  |   |-----|-----|   
  |  |(psc90!pdprogs5)|  |   |-----|-----|  {uunet,dartvax}!psc90!pdprogs5
  |  +----------------+--+   +     |     +
  +-------------------+            +        BITNET :  D_MARIEN@UNHH