[net.music] Stray Cats Review

rascal (11/01/82)

The Cats passed through Portland about a month and a half ago and gave one
hell of a show.  Same deal as in Toronto: about three hours and a lot of
sound, all pretty amazing for a snare drum, an upright bass and an electric
guitar.  The crowd loved them too.  The Cats don't get much air play on
radio, but MTV plays their stuff and at least two local (and popular)
rockabilly bands cover their stuff.

One thing I find strange about the band is that they are Americans pretending
to be British pretending to be Americans.  I've heard of Americans playing
British and vice versa, but never this.  I mean these guys even moved to

reid (11/06/82)

The Stray Cats moved to England because they couldn't quite make it in New
York City, but they were an instant success in England, whereupon they let
their success propagate back here.  Their album 'Built for Speed' is out-
rageously hot, and it gets pretty much air play here in Madison, Wisconsin.
The only objection to their music I have ever heard was from a musician, who
complained that their rockabilly was just "too damn good," and that it might
have been a little more interpretive
or something.  I say BOSH.  I love Gene Vincent and early rockabilly, and
these guys are much better in a lot of ways (recording quality, guitar playing,
etc.).  Unfortunately, nobody sings like Gene Vincent, not even the King....

Glenn Reid

dce (11/06/82)

I've been wondering about how the Stray Cat's must feel about their
newfound success in the US. Their big hits over here are two songs
from their first album, "Stray Cat Strut" and "Rock This Town", the
latter of which was their first UK single. Now this means that they
have to play songs from their first album, which was released about
1.5-2 years ago (I think I bought it in December 1980). Who decides
whether the first US album from a popular UK group (I mean popular
in England before coming (back) to America) will be a compilation
of UK albums or new stuff released in both countries? I'll bet
those guys are really tired of playing the same versions of
songs they've been playing for three or four years. As a musician,
I know it's easy to get tired of a song after playing it 200
times, and most of the time I change the song around. The problem
with that is that the Cats have to play the songs like they are
in the record so the audiences will like them (I'm not talking
about old fans like myself, but about the robot followers of hit
songs who never heard of the Stray Cats until the US album came
out). Did anyone out there see them before the US release? What
songs did they play? Did they play the two abovementioned hits?
Did they play them the same as the album? Any feelings on why
their hits aren't ones from the second album, and why the second
album was really wimpy compared to the first?

			Not afraid to be a snob when it comes to music,
			David Elliott

djo (11/12/82)

speaking of americans pretending to be british pretending to be

why do you think they're pretending???

they are no different than Jimi Hendrix or Chrissie Hynde.
all three of them are fine performers!