[comp.sources.wanted] Wanted: newer versions of less and screen

lwv@n8emr.UUCP (Larry W. Virden) (08/31/88)

I have version 73 of less and version 1.1i of screen.  I am looking for updates
to these.  A few months ago a beta version of less was announced - i volenteered
to help out but never got a response.  I was sent some mods to screen to 
add cut and paste, but when I tried to extract these mods from the version of
screen that i was sent and then trying to add them to the version of screen
that i am using, something was lost in the translation, resulting in a non
functioning pgm.

Also, I have been told that there have been some modifications to vttest to
fix some bugs in tab setting and possibily adding some new tests.  If
anyone knows anything about this, i would be interested as well.

Larry W. Virden	 75046,606 (CIS)
674 Falls Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 (614) 864-8817
osu-cis!n8emr!lwv (UUCP)	osu-cis!n8emr!lwv@TUT.CIS.OHIO-STATE.EDU (INTERNET)
We haven't inherited the world from our parents, but borrowed it from our children.

net@tub.UUCP (Oliver Laumann) (09/01/88)

In article <619@n8emr.UUCP> lwv@n8emr.UUCP (Larry W. Virden) writes:
> I have version 73 of less and version 1.1i of screen.  I am looking for
> updates to these.  A few months ago a beta version of less was
> announced - i volenteered to help out but never got a response.  I was
> sent some mods to screen to add cut and paste, but when I tried to
> extract these mods from the version of screen that i was sent and then
> trying to add them to the version of screen that i am using, something
> was lost in the translation, resulting in a non functioning pgm.

I do have a new version of screen; it has been in use on our local
machine since a couple of months (the main improvement is that you
can `detach' a screen session from your terminal and resume it
on a different terminal or in a later login session).  However,
so far I haven't got the time to prepare a new release (update the
man page, etc.).

Regarding the modifications and enhancements I have received:  since I
don't have the time to evaluate and incorporate into screen the large
number of 'diffs' I have received, I would only include a few of them
and only fixes that enhance the portability of screen (such as load
averages for Sun's).

Oliver Laumann              net@TUB.BITNET              net@tub.UUCP