[comp.sources.wanted] MS-DOS vi

hom@sjsumcs.UUCP (Hom Bahmanyar) (07/01/88)

I am looking for a version of vi that will run in the MS-DOS environment.
I already have a version by "Jim Goodnow" (?) which seems to be a very
buggy version.  If you have another version of vi for MS-DOS, I would
appreciate it if you could let me know.

- Hom Bahmanyar

wcs@skep2.ATT.COM (Bill.Stewart.[ho95c]) (07/03/88)

In article <115@sjsumcs.UUCP> hom@sjsumcs.UUCP (Hom Bahmanyar) writes:
:I am looking for a version of vi that will run in the MS-DOS environment.
:I already have a version by "Jim Goodnow" (?) which seems to be a very
:buggy version.  If you have another version of vi for MS-DOS, I would
:appreciate it if you could let me know.

"Z", by Jim Goodnow, distributed by Manx Software Systems, is a
commercial product, which has been ripped off and distributed on BBSs.
The ripped-off version isn't very buggy, it's just old and limited.

If you want a good vi, **BUY** the current version, which is much
improved, or buy one of the  other versions out there, such as
PC/VI (Custom Software Systems in ?Boston) or MKS VI (Mortice Kern
Systems in  ?Toronto).  I happen to like MKS - you can either buy vi
bundled with a couple of related products or buy the MKS Toolkit
which includes many of your favorite UNIX tools reimplemented for DOS.

In any case, read the Copyright banner page which flashes up when you
start using Z, then please stop using it until you buy it.
#				Thanks;
# Bill Stewart, AT&T Bell Labs 2G218, Holmdel NJ 1-201-949-0705 ihnp4!ho95c!wcs
Rnmail: .signature too boring - deleted

70646864@ugly.cs.ubc.ca (viola po-ying lee) (09/05/88)

In article <115@sjsumcs.UUCP> hom@sjsumcs.UUCP (Hom Bahmanyar) writes:
>I am looking for a version of vi that will run in the MS-DOS environment.
>I already have a version by "Jim Goodnow" (?) which seems to be a very
>buggy version.  If you have another version of vi for MS-DOS, I would
>appreciate it if you could let me know.
>- Hom Bahmanyar

I think an editor named TVI was posted to the net around July 1986.
It was supposed to be configurable to act like several other editors,
including vi.  

Does anyone have it or remember anything about it?  

Dennis Lo

markd@proxftl.UUCP (Mark Davidson) (09/08/88)

In article <3937@ubc-cs.UUCP> 70646864@ugly.cs.ubc.ca (viola po-ying lee) writes:
>I think an editor named TVI was posted to the net around July 1986.
>It was supposed to be configurable to act like several other editors,
>including vi.
>Does anyone have it or remember anything about it?

Perhaps you are referring to an editor named TVX?  I ran into this editor
because it was sent to the C Users Group and I believe it is a vi-like
editor.  If this is the one, I have it (unless CUG has changed their minds,
I'm still librarian for it).  Or, you can get it from them.  If this is
the editor you are thinking of, send me mail.
  In real life: Mark E. Davidson       uflorida!novavax!proxftl!markd
  Proximity Technology Inc., 3511 NE 22nd Ave, Ft. Lauderdale FL, 33308
  #define STANDARD_DISCLAIMER          <Quote construction site>

kai@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu (09/09/88)

There is a commmercial version of "vi" for MS/DOS sold by MKS (Morton Kern),
which we have on one PC, and plan to get for the other.  It works fine.  Look
for the ad in UNIX WORLD or UNIX REVIEW.   I've even seen it advertised by
The Programmers Shop software house in BYTE.  $70.  Their "vi" is included in
their MKS TOOLKIT, which is supposed to be 120 UNIX utilities (I didn't know
there WERE that many) written for MS/DOS for $130-$170, but I can't afford
that yet.

I've also got a copy of a program called free-vi, which seems to work, but
has the obnoxious problem of using MSDOS style commands instead of UNIX style
commands (ESCAPE clears a line, not ^U, END returns from input mode to
command mode, etc).  No source code available.

Patrick Wolfe  (pwolfe@kai.com, kailand!pwolfe)