[comp.sources.wanted] WANTED: program to read XENIX file structure from MSDOS

annala@neuro.usc.edu (A J Annala) (09/26/88)

I really need a program running under MSDOS to read files from the hard
disk of a XENIX system.  This is the only solution I can find to the
following problem:

      o  I must use a turn key image processing system that only
         runs under IBM XENIX Version 2.11

      o  My PC/AT is connected to my SUN via the USC campus Ethernet

      o  XENIX is not on speaking terms with Ethernet (i.e. XENIX does
         not support SUN/NFS, TCP/IP, DECNET, or any respectable std)

      o  I have some additional image processing software running on
         the SUN ... and therefore need to get data from PC to SUN.

      o  MSDOS does support SUN/NFS ... could transmit my data from
         the XENIX PC to the SUN ... IFF MSDOS can be persuaded to
         read files from the XENIX hard disk.

Source code (or any suggested alternative solutions to this problem) for
getting XENIX files through the MSDOS/Ethernet/NFS pipeline to my SUN
would be most appreciated.

Thanks, AJ Annala, USC NeuroSciences Program