[comp.sources.wanted] WANTED: 3-D linear interpolation

john@bradley.UUCP (10/08/88)


	software in C or Fortran to do 3-D linear interpolation
	(or something like this...)

John Lengeling			UUCP: {cepu,att,uiucdcs,noao}!bradley!john
Bradley University		ARPA: cepu!bradley!john@seas.ucla.edu
Distributed Systems 		ATTMAIL: attmail!bradley!john
Bradley Hall Room 6F            PHONE: (309) 677-2337
Peoria, IL 61625

boyter@bimbo.UUCP (Maj Brian Boyter) (10/09/88)

In article <10600017@bradley>, john@bradley.UUCP writes:
> 	software in C or Fortran to do 3-D linear interpolation
> 	(or something like this...)

I think you can find what you want in
Foley & VanDam, Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics.
In my 1982 version, it's on page 295.

Basically, if you have 2 points P1 and P2,
you can express x, y, and z as functions of t;
if t=0, then (x,y,z) are the coordinates of P1;
if t=1, then (x,y,z) are the coordinates of P2.
As t varies from -inf to +inf you get a linear interpolation.

Hope this helps...

   Maj. Brian A Boyter
   US Army Foreign Science & Technology Center
   Charlottesville, Va 22901                         __
   off: (804)980-7362                              (    )
   home:     973-9440                             {      }
   bimbo!boyter@virginia.acc.virginia.edu          (    )
   Nuke'm 'till they glow                            ||
   ...Then shoot'm in the dark              ________<  >_______