NU115247@NDSUVM1.BITNET (10/13/88)
I am looking for routines to generate a dungeon like those seen in Hack, Rouge or Moria. I am working on a game like that but i'm not really sure how to go about creating the dungeons. I like how diffrent parts of the Hack and Moria dungeons were made but their are a few improvements that i would like to try and make. If anyone has source code (in Pascal but i will take it in C if nessary) for Hack or Rouge or Moria dungeons i would really appericate it if you could send it to me. If you try to e-mail to me and you get no response, please post here and i'll try to get back to you (our mailer out here is a bit picky). Thanks for any help anyone can give me with this. ------- Jeff Cooper | Stress: The confusion created when the | mind overrides the bodies desire NU115247 @ NDSUVM1.BITNET | to choke the living shit out of | asshole who desperately needs it.