[comp.sources.wanted] Looking for PWRITE sources

dent@unocss.UUCP (Dave Caplinger) (10/18/88)

Does anyone know where I can find the sources to PWRITE for UNIX BSD 4.2?

I used to have it; in fact I still have the executable file, but I want the
sources and I can't find them!  I checked the comp.sources.unix archive at
uunet.uu.net, and did not find it.  (I didn't look in comp.sources.misc
yet though.... I didn't see the point.)

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide!

-/ Dave Caplinger /--------------+---------------------------------------
 Microcomputer Specialist        | Internet: UNOCC07%ZEUS@CRCVMS.UNL.EDU
 Campus Computing                | UUCP:     uunet!btni!unocss!dent
 University of Nebraska at Omaha | Bitnet:   UNOCC07@UNOMA1
 Omaha, NE 68182                 |   or      dc3a+@andrew.cmu.edu