[net.cooks] Instant Death Egg Nog

reed (12/08/82)

Reed's Special Egg Nog

Ingredients:  48 Egg yolks
               4 cups sugar
               2 tbsp nutmeg
               6 quarts whole milk
               1 quart 10% cream
               1 quart whipping cream
               2 x 26 oz Dark Jamaican Rum
               2 x 26 oz Paarls 5-Star Brandy
               2 x 26 oz Canadian Club
               1 x 26 oz Dry Sherry

Directions:   Beat egg yolks, adding sugar gradually
              Stir booze into mixture
              Stir milk and cream into mixture
              Add nutmeg

Yield:        Approx 15 quarts

Be warned.....this stuff can do in even the most seasoned drinker.
So much so, in fact, that I almost posted this recepie to net.suicide!

Dave Reed, UTCS

PS  For those of you that try it, let me know what you think.

oatts (12/09/82)

Subject: Irish recipes
Newsgroups: net.cooks
(2 lines) More? [ynq]

Does anyone out in net.land have any Irish recipes?  If you do, forward to
me or the net.

    P.J. Oatts
    IN e103