[comp.sources.wanted] KIC to HPGL wanted

frei@rubmez.UUCP (Matthias Frei) (11/09/88)

Does anybody in Netland know of a filter, converting
KIC-Layout-File to a flat HPGL-plot-file ?

	Any comments gracefully accepted

	Matthias Frei
Snail-mail:                    |  E-Mail address:
Microelectronics Center        |                 UUCP  frei@rubmez.uucp        
University of Bochum           |                (...uunet!unido!rubmez!frei)
4630 Bochum 1, P.O.-Box 102143 |
West Germany                   |

marco@concour.CS.Concordia.CA (Marco Zelada) (11/11/88)

In article <188@rubmez.UUCP> frei@rubmez.UUCP (Matthias Frei) writes:
>Does anybody in Netland know of a filter, converting
>KIC-Layout-File to a flat HPGL-plot-file ?
>	Any comments gracefully accepted
>	Matthias Frei
>Snail-mail:                    |  E-Mail address:
>Microelectronics Center        |                 UUCP  frei@rubmez.uucp        
>University of Bochum           |                (...uunet!unido!rubmez!frei)
>4630 Bochum 1, P.O.-Box 102143 |
>West Germany                   |

	If your only convcern is to plot your KIC layout on an HP plotter I
think that you may want to use the tools that we use in our lab for this. We
first translate from KIC -> CIF format and then use an HP driver called
"penplot" to plot it on an HP7580 plotter. The program supports many types of
plotters and it may be worth a look.

	The kic2cif filter comes with the KIC2 package from UBCU and I will
find out where the penplot came from if you are interested.

	Sorry if I missuderstood the question.
