[comp.sources.wanted] need uw server sources

brent@itm.UUCP (Brent) (11/18/88)

    The Atlanta Mac Users' Group has the latest version of "uw"
and documentation, which I downloded, but they don't seem to
have the source for the server that runs on the BSD end.  Could
someone mail me the latest version of the server software?
I could then upload it the AMUG system to avoid further querries.

        Many thanks in advance,

            brent laminack (gatech!itm!brent)

relkins@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Rob Elkins) (11/18/88)

In article <1248@itm.UUCP> brent@itm.UUCP (Brent) writes:
>    The Atlanta Mac Users' Group has the latest version of "uw"

What is uw.  Is it a news server for the mac?

ARPA: relkins@vax1.acs.udel.edu   BITNET: FFO04688@UDACSVM 
UUCP: ...!sun!vax1.acs.udel.edu   
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