[comp.sources.wanted] Z80 disassembler

buck@siswat.UUCP (A. Lester Buck) (12/12/88)

I am looking for a disassembler for a Z80 that runs under DOS.
Public Domain/cheap would be nice.  Standard Z80 assembler syntax
would be nice, but a Unix syntax disassembler  with a matching assembler
would be fine.

Thanks alot,

A. Lester Buck		...!uhnix1!moray!siswat!buck

rmb384@leah.Albany.Edu (Robert M. Bownes III) (12/15/88)

> I am looking for a disassembler for a Z80 that runs under DOS.
> Public Domain/cheap would be nice.  Standard Z80 assembler syntax
> would be nice, but a Unix syntax disassembler  with a matching assembler
> would be fine.

	I have both stashed in my archives if you still need them. If so,
send me mail.

	Bob Bownes

Bob Bownes, Aka Keptin Comrade Dr Bobwrench III	|  If I didn't say it, It
bownesrm@beowulf.uucp  (518)-482-8798		|  must be true.
{steinmetz,brspyr1,sun!sunbow}!beowulf!bownesrm	|	- me, tonite -
"If I'd known it was harmless, I'd have killed it myself" Phillip K. Dick.

marcel@dx7.UUCP (Marcel Bernards) (12/16/88)

In article <351@siswat.UUCP> buck@siswat.UUCP (A. Lester Buck) writes:
>I am looking for a disassembler for a Z80 that runs under DOS.
>Public Domain/cheap would be nice.  Standard Z80 assembler syntax
>would be nice, but a Unix syntax disassembler  with a matching assembler
>would be fine.
>Thanks alot,
>A. Lester Buck		...!uhnix1!moray!siswat!buck

I'm interested too if there is such a beast, otherwise i'm going to write