[comp.sources.wanted] fract386 program

lrm5110@tahoma.UUCP (Larry R. Masden) (01/09/89)

I recently got a Gateway 2000 386 machine with an Orchid Designer VGA
video card, Nec Multisync II monitor, Seagate 4096 80 MB hard disk, and
a hi res mouse (total price ~ 3800.)  I've been satisfied with 
the machine and their service.  I exchanged the Award BIOS that came
with the system after reading here that Award is incompatible with 
windows (which I may run sometime.)  I just called them up, they shipped
me the new BIOS, I put it in. 

Anyway, I'd like to get my hands on the fract386 program that was 
posted a while back.  Could someone please email it or repost it,
I sure would appreciate it.  Thanks in advance.  
Larry Masden       	      Voice: (206) 237-2564
Boeing Commercial Airplanes   UUCP: ..!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!shuksan!tahoma!lrm5110
P.O. Box 3707, M/S 66-22
Seattle, WA  98124-2207