(Wayne Mccormick) (02/10/89)
I have had my Heath H-90 for some time now and I have recently picked up a Dynabyte DB8/1 and DB8/4 disk drive really cheap (free). It's a CP/M machine but isn't much good to me at the moment (limited software...). The question is, what can I do with it? (Other than using it for a very heavy dorrstop :-) I was thinking of linking it up with the H-90 as a co-processor or maybe as extra disk space. Oh, I blew up the Hazeltine 1500 that came with it so I don't have a terminal for it anymore either. The DB8/4 has two 8 inch full height drives that hold somewhere on the neighbourhood of 100K each. The system has 2 serial and 1 parrallel port plus the drive port. So here it is, any ideas? Thanks in advance, Wayne McCormick :-)