Elvis-hater (11/17/82)
People who think "Elvis is King..." probably shouldn't be allowed near computers, and definately shouldn't be reading net.music.
tsd (11/18/82)
I'm posting this to the net since the author of the article didn't have the backbone to issue the article under a true login. I suspect all replies are now being dropped on the floor at that site. Personally, while I'm a fan of alot of Elvis P. songs, I don't think he was a god, I don't make my annual pilgrimage to Graceland to visit his grave, and I don't think he was the greatest thing to hit the world since the invention of the wheel. I'm somewhat uneasy about Elvis C. taking his name, but I really like Elvis C.'s stuff too. BUT!!! (flame time) How can you be so closed minded and critical of someone who has had as big an influence on the music of his time and on times following as Elvis P. The man was innovative and talented. He had a voice capable of singing strong rock & roll yet could sing a ballad so smooth even "old blue eyes" in his prime would be impressed. Why not respect his talent and influence even if his "sound" isn't/wasn't for you. What's the point of making generic "I hate Elvis" slams without any rational reasons behind them. You'd be shocked by the number of performers who credit Elvis as being a major influence on their work. Could we please have a bit more maturity in expressing personal opinions. As an aside, have you hear W. Zevon's song on "The Envoy" about Elvis P. Pretty bizarre huh net.musicers. Will resist the temptation for a slam on "Not afraid to sign my name" Tim Davidheiser cbosg!nscs!tsd