[comp.sources.wanted] Alpha LSI core memory

robert@aragorn.cm.deakin.OZ (Robert Ruge) (12/12/88)

Does anyone have a 16k core memory board for a very dated Computer
Automation Inc. ALPHA LSI that they would be willing to part with
for little or no cost. As ours has died and they are no longer
serviced in Australia we would be grateful to get our Finnigan 3200
Chromatography/Mass. Spec. back on the road. Thanks for any info.

Robert Ruge	  | UUCP:   {uunet,mcvax,ukc,ubc-cs
Computing/Maths	  |          nttlab}!munnari!aragorn.oz!robert
Deakin University | ARPA:   robert@aragorn.oz.AU
Victoria, 3217	  | CSNET:  robert@aragorn.oz.AU
Australia	  | ACSNET: robert@aragorn.oz  PHONE:  +61 52 471319

Robert Ruge					    robert@aragorn

leif@ambone.UUCP (Leif Andrew Rump) (12/20/88)

You're kidding! Is there still Alpha LSI around! That was the first
real computer I put my hands on and PHEEEW that was fun! We had two
TeleType terminals and a VDU plus a cardreader (which was quite funny
because you could actually control the whole computer from the
cardreader!!!). But the best part of it: When we went on holiday (1
1/2 month) we didn't save out programs (on paper punch tape) because
when we returned the ferrit rings still contained our programs!

But back to your origional question: If I can find the student who got
the machine after we got some more up to date computers we may have a
deal because I don't think he use it anymore - BUT YOU PAY the

Yours sincerely

Leif Andrew Rump

robert@aragorn.cm.deakin.OZ (Robert Ruge) (02/16/89)

I realize that this is not quite appropriate for this newsgroup but we do not
get a full feed news feed in Australia and I am not aware of a more appropriate
newsgroup to send to, so here goes.
Does anyone have a 16k core memory board for a very dated Computer Automation
Inc ALPHA LSI-2 series computer (1976 - ), that they would be willing to
part with for little or no cost ?. As ours has died and they are no longer
serviced in Australia, we would be grateful to get our Finnigan 3200
Chromatography/Mass Spec back on the road. Thanks for any info.

Robert Ruge	  | UUCP:   {uunet,mcvax,ukc,ubc-cs
Computing/Maths	  |          nttlab}!munnari!aragorn.oz!robert
Deakin University | ARPA:   robert@aragorn.oz.AU
Victoria, 3217	  | CSNET:  robert@aragorn.oz.AU
Australia	  | ACSNET: robert@aragorn.oz  PHONE:  +61 52 471319

Robert Ruge					    robert@aragorn

tif@cpe.UUCP (02/18/89)

Written 12:40 am  Feb 16, 1989 by aragorn.UUCP!robert in cpe:comp.sources.w
>Does anyone have a 16k core memory board for a very dated Computer Automation

I think the museum here in Ft. Worth does.   :-)

jja@etana.tut.fi (Ahola Jari) (02/19/89)

From article <131400003@cpe>, by tif@cpe.UUCP:
> Written 12:40 am  Feb 16, 1989 by aragorn.UUCP!robert in cpe:comp.sources.w
>>Does anyone have a 16k core memory board for a very dated Computer Automation
> I think the museum here in Ft. Worth does.   :-)

And me too have couple of these oldies.

Jari 'jja' Ahola      |Tampere University of Technology, Software Systems Lab
Opiskelijankatu 16A12 |P.O. Box 527, 33101 Tampere, Finland
33720 Tampere, Finland|Tel (intl) 358 31 162708 (work)/358 31 174009 (home)
Puh. 931-174009       |Net address: jja@tut (UUCP)  AHOLA@FINTUTA (BITNET)