[comp.sources.wanted] Disk unfragmentation utility

jim@syteke.UUCP (Jim Sanchez) (03/06/89)

Now that the world has fsanalyze to see how fragmented their disks
are when are we going to see a utility to unfragment them in place.
The MS-DOS world has had the Norton SD(and others) for quite a while
and I just got B.A.D for my Amiga a couple of weeks ago(highly
reccomended I might add) but nothing for Un*x except to backup and
restore.  That just seems incredible especially for those of use with
40 Mb hard disks and 360Kb backup medium.  Not really a starter.
Surely some hardworking programmer has such a thing and would be
willing to gain fame and fortune(doubtful) by giving it to the net.

Jim Sanchez  {sun,hplabs}!sun!sytek!syteke!jim OR
Sytek Brussels  mcvax!prlb2!sunbim!syteke!jim

zeeff@b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us (Jon Zeeff) (03/08/89)

In article <182@syteke.UUCP> jim@syteke.UUCP (Jim Sanchez) writes:
>Now that the world has fsanalyze to see how fragmented their disks
>are when are we going to see a utility to unfragment them in place.

The author of fsanalyze (sdti!mjy) has been working on such a 
program.  Last I heard, it was going to be available for sale at 
reasonable prices.  

An unfragmented disk does make a big difference.

  Jon Zeeff			zeeff@b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us
  Ann Arbor, MI			mailrus!b-tech!zeeff

news@brian386.UUCP (Wm. Brian McCane) (03/17/89)

In article <9078@b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us> zeeff@b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us (Jon Zeeff) writes:
>In article <182@syteke.UUCP> jim@syteke.UUCP (Jim Sanchez) writes:
>>Now that the world has fsanalyze to see how fragmented their disks
>>are when are we going to see a utility to unfragment them in place.
>The author of fsanalyze (sdti!mjy) has been working on such a 
>program.  Last I heard, it was going to be available for sale at 
>reasonable prices.  
>An unfragmented disk does make a big difference.
Okay, here goes.  I have a unfragmenter which is modified from the
fsanalyze programs.  It is, I think, bullet proof, but also slooow.  I
use it on my own system (uPort SYSV/386 3.0e) and have no problems
(now ;-).  I borrowed heavily from the fsanalyze sources, and really
only wrote a small portion of code myself.  The method I used will
unfragment a file, but does NOT compact the disk (intentionally).  I
have it set up to allow the user to selectively unfragment files from a
list which is generated by the fsanalyze code.  It then attempts to make
multiple copies of the file and selects the least fragmented.  I am sure
there is a better way (look through the free block list maybe?).
Anyways, if anyone is interested in a copy of it, send me a message
requesting it, or if someone tells me how, I can submit it to a group.

NOTE:  This program may be very SYSVish in my mods, I've never used BSD.


Wm. Brian McCane                    | Life is full of doors that won't open
                                    | when you knock, equally spaced amid
Disclaimer: I don't think they even | those that open when you don't want
            admit I work here.      | them to. - Roger Zelazny "Blood of Amber"

news@brian386.UUCP (Wm. Brian McCane) (03/17/89)

In article <9078@b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us> zeeff@b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us (Jon Zeeff) writes:
>In article <182@syteke.UUCP> jim@syteke.UUCP (Jim Sanchez) writes:
>>Now that the world has fsanalyze to see how fragmented their disks
>>are when are we going to see a utility to unfragment them in place.
>The author of fsanalyze (sdti!mjy) has been working on such a 
>program.  Last I heard, it was going to be available for sale at 
>reasonable prices.  
>An unfragmented disk does make a big difference.
Okay, here goes.  This may be old news to everyone or might not, I
dunno.  I modified the fsanalyze sources to unfragment a disk with user
deciding whether it should even attempt a specific file or not.  The
method I used is to run a basically unmodified version of the fsanalyze,
and keep a copy of it's list of fragmented files.  I then at the users
request will create multiple copies of a file on the disk, up to 10, and
then keep the best one.  (Least frags or if tie least distance).  The
program works very well, I think, it doesn't trash my disk (it did once ;-).
It is probably very SYSVish since I have never used BSD.  If anyone
wants a copy, just email and ask, or tell me how/where to post it and I
will.  But be forewarned, it works great for my installation, but I make
no promises.


Wm. Brian McCane                    | Life is full of doors that won't open
                                    | when you knock, equally spaced amid
Disclaimer: I don't think they even | those that open when you don't want
            admit I work here.      | them to. - Roger Zelazny "Blood of Amber"

Wm. Brian McCane                    | Life is full of doors that won't open
                                    | when you knock, equally spaced amid
Disclaimer: I don't think they even | those that open when you don't want
            admit I work here.      | them to. - Roger Zelazny "Blood of Amber"

news@brian386.UUCP (Wm. Brian McCane) (03/17/89)

In article <9078@b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us> zeeff@b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us (Jon Zeeff) writes:
>In article <182@syteke.UUCP> jim@syteke.UUCP (Jim Sanchez) writes:
>>Now that the world has fsanalyze to see how fragmented their disks
>>are when are we going to see a utility to unfragment them in place.
>The author of fsanalyze (sdti!mjy) has been working on such a 
>program.  Last I heard, it was going to be available for sale at 
>reasonable prices.  
>An unfragmented disk does make a big difference.
Okay, here goes.  This may be old news to everyone or might not, I
dunno.  I modified the fsanalyze sources to unfragment a disk with user
deciding whether it should even attempt a specific file or not.  The
method I used is to run a basically unmodified version of the fsanalyze,
and keep a copy of it's list of fragmented files.  I then at the users
request will create multiple copies of a file on the disk, up to 10, and
then keep the best one.  (Least frags or if tie least distance).  The
program works very well, I think, it doesn't trash my disk (it did once ;-).
It is probably very SYSVish since I have never used BSD.  If anyone
wants a copy, just email and ask, or tell me how/where to post it and I
will.  But be forewarned, it works great for my installation, but I make
no promises.


Wm. Brian McCane                    | Life is full of doors that won't open
                                    | when you knock, equally spaced amid
Disclaimer: I don't think they even | those that open when you don't want
            admit I work here.      | them to. - Roger Zelazny "Blood of Amber"