[comp.sources.wanted] RTX2001 source code.

kaliorm@hw-han.UUCP (Mark Kalior) (03/22/89)

Looking for mpForth (F83) that runs on the RTX2001 or Novix 4000.
Prefer RTX2001.  Also looking for any other RTX2001 code.

UUCP: ames!ncar!noao!asuvax!gtephx!kaliorm
Mark Kalior
1729 E. Manhatton Drive
Tempe, Az  85282
602-581-4811 work
602-897-0838 home

jax@well.UUCP (Jack J. Woehr) (03/28/89)

In article <422d701f.13786@hw-han.UUCP> kaliorm@hw-han.UUCP (Mark Kalior) writes:
>Looking for mpForth (F83) that runs on the RTX2001 or Novix 4000.
>Prefer RTX2001.  Also looking for any other RTX2001 code.

	What you want is the periodical "More on NC4000" ( covering
the Novix, the RTX, and other Forth processors and systems) edited
by Dr. C. H. Ting. Volumes 1-10 available for $15 each, I believe,
from Offete Enterprises, 1306 South B Street, San Mateo, CA 94402.

	You may also want to join the discussion on the official telecom
venue of the Forth Interest Group on the commercial GEnie service. Once
on GEnie, type FORTH to visit the Forth Interest Group RoundTable, over
1500 files available for most Forth systems.

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{} jax@chariot  ." (303) 278-0364 3/12/2400 8-n-1 24 hrs."     Chapter    {}
{} JAX on GEnie       ." Tell them JAX sent you!"             Coordinator {}
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