[comp.sources.wanted] Driver for 3Com 3C503 Etherlink II card

geoff@eve.oz (Geoff Cawte) (04/20/89)

Fellow Underlings,
		  Recently I acquired the NCSA TCP/IP software for PCs from the
public domain on the net. However, in keeping with true Murphian law, it 
contained hardware drivers for almost every card except the 3Com 3C503 cards 
which we are using with our existing PC-NFS software. Since we are in the 
process of writng an applications system using a LAN, we are keen to use the 
pd software as a starting point for a customised system, and knowing diddly-
squat about the internals of the 3C503 we really need source for a driver for 
the said card. The alternative is spending mega-bucks on a proprietry product
with development kit... Can anybody in NETland help??

Thanks muchly,

Geoff Cawte, 
Megadata (Could be worse...could be "Awesome-data") pty. ltd.
2/37 Waterloo Rd.
Nth Ryde
NSW 2113

(02) 805-0899 x202
