pdbeam@watdcsu.waterloo.edu (ALCAL (Bell/Alex) Project) (04/24/89)
Hi. I am quite desperate for (amongst other things ;-) ) a drawing/conversion to create NAPLPS (ie: old videotext format) pictures. I am in quite a rush. ANy software, whether source, binary, whatever for any machine (apple, ibm, commodore, sun,etc.) would be Greatly appreciated. Please e-mail me. Thanks, ,Ch. -- Chris Hudel ALCAL (Bell/Alex) Project
boucher@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US (Marc Boucher) (04/27/89)
In article <5853@watdcsu.waterloo.edu> pdbeam@watdcsu.waterloo.edu (ALCAL (Bell/Alex) Project) writes: > I am quite desperate for (amongst other things ;-) ) a >drawing/conversion to create NAPLPS (ie: old videotext format) >pictures. I am in quite a rush. ANy software, whether source, >binary, whatever for any machine (apple, ibm, commodore, sun,etc.) >would be Greatly appreciated. We have written a NAPLPS language compiler. A source code example follows: * cut here #res=(256,256) #colornumbit=4 #palettenumbit=4 @init : x 0x1B,"c"; x 0x1B,"%A"; @ @shadow (X,Y,Text) : select-color drawing=[0]; pos-abs ({X},{Y}); pos-rel (1,-1); defp-macro 70; prim {Text}; end; select-color drawing=[7]; pos-abs ({X},{Y}); macro 70; @ @cube (XY,SX,SY,SX10,SY10,C0,C1,C2) : pos-abs {XY}; pos-rel (-5,-5); select-color drawing={C0}; rect-filled ({SX10},{SY10}); select-color drawing={C2}; poly-filled (0,{SY10}),(-5,-5),(-{SX},-{SY}),(-5,-5); select-color drawing={C1}; rect-set-filled {XY},({SX},{SY}); @ * Start init; select-color drawing=[4]; reset screen=drawing; cube {(10,10)},{236},{180},{246},{190},{[3]},{[2]},{[5]}; cube {(20,160)},{215},{20},{225},{30},{[5]},{[4]},{[3]}; cube {(20,20)},{215},{10},{225},{20},{[3]},{[0]},{[5]}; cube {(20,45)},{215},{100},{225},{110},{[3]},{[0]},{[5]}; text double-height; text inter-car=prop; shadow {47},{161},{"* NAPLPS test page for compiler *"}; text normal; def-macro 80; * clrscr text cursor-style=block, inter-car=prop; select-color drawing=[0]; rect-set-filled (20,45),(215,100); select-color drawing=[7],background=[0]; field (20,45),(215,100); scroll off;apd;scroll on; cursor off; end; def-macro 81; * gotoscr field (20,45),(215,100); text cursor-style=block, inter-car=prop; scroll on; cursor off; si; end; def-macro 82; * gotoinp text cursor-style=block, inter-car=1; field (20,20),(215,10); scroll off; prim ".";repeat-eol; cursor flash; si; * text mode end; macro 80; prim "- NAPLPS Menu example -";apr;apd; prim "P - Post mail";apr;apd; prim "R - Read mail";apr;apd; prim "S - Send a file";apr;apd; prim "R - Receive a file";apr;apd; prim "D - File directory";apr;apd; prim "L - Log off";apr;apd; prim "-----------------------";apr;apd; macro 82; 0x0F; The compiler itself has been written to be portable to any machine. It is currently working under Sun BSD Unix and AmigaDOS. We are currently examining most CAD formats to write some sort of object converter for NAPLPS drawing usage. >Chris Hudel >ALCAL (Bell/Alex) Project This page has been written for the Bell/Alex project too. (Mr. Hudel probably noticed the @init function, containing <ESC>%A which is the Bell ALEX sequence to switch terminal to NAPLPS mode. Unfortunately, Mr. Hudel, I cannot promise you anything, since this has been written for internal use (despite the fact that it is not used at this time, no formal project has been officially started), and could be such a wonderful tool for the eventual competition. However, if you are still deeply interested, feel free to contact me by E-Mail, or Sebastien Roy (roys@iro.umontreal.ca) who is the author of the amiga NAPLPS terminal emulator. -- + Marc Boucher csh% rm -f *DEC* *VAX* *VMS* *IBM* *VM* _ //Only Amiga + + UUCP ...!killer!jolnet!boucher | Phonemail: 514/466-8932\X/(& Unix ;-) + + Bitnet UUQRL0@POLYTECA | Slowmail : 735 Riverside, St-Lambert + + Internet boucher@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US | Quebec, Canada J4P 1B8 +