[comp.sources.wanted] Unix Print Screen

palowoda@megatest.UUCP (Bob Palowoda) (05/27/89)

 Is there a program to do a print screen (with the print screen key)
 for Xenix?


 Bob Palowoda    *Home of Fiver BBS*                   login: bbs               
 Work: {sun,decwrl,pyramid}!megatest!palowoda                           
 Home: {sun}ys2!fiver!palowoda   (A XBBS System)       2-lines   
 BBS:  (415)623-8809 2400/1200 (415)623-8806 1200/2400/9600/19200

Dion_L_Johnson@cup.portal.com (05/28/89)

Bob Palowoda asked:
 Is there a program to do a print screen (with the print screen key)
 for Xenix?

And the answer is:  yes, if you mean the console.  Aside from using
the screen printing capability of SCO Multiview, there is also a
little "screengrabber" utility from Driver Design Labs (Vancouver BC)
which will do the job.

If you are on a linemode terminal, it's a bit of a problem since the
"screen", as such, does not exist unless you are using multiview or
some similar kind of windowing package.

Some kinds of terminals have the ability to copy the screen to
a local memory though, and can be programmed to capture that
image onto a local printer, via an escape sequence processed
by the terminal.

Dion L. Johnson

daveh@marob.masa.com (Dave Hammond) (05/29/89)

In article <5420@megatest.UUCP> palowoda@megatest.UUCP (Bob Palowoda) writes:
> Is there a program to do a print screen (with the print screen key)
> for Xenix?

No.  At least, not a generic one common to many strains of Unix.

If you are running a program which isn't a tty facist, you could pipe
to "tee" and record the entire session.  Then all you need to do is edit out
the portions you need.

Of course, this has drawbacks to the point of near impossibility, if the
program is a visual (eg Curses-based) one.  Separating display-programming
sequences from data can be a true pleasure [ :-( ].

Dave Hammond

conan@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Robert B Carroll) (05/29/89)

In article <713@marob.masa.com> daveh@marob.masa.com (Dave Hammond) writes:
>In article <5420@megatest.UUCP> palowoda@megatest.UUCP (Bob Palowoda) writes:
>> Is there a program to do a print screen (with the print screen key)
>> for Xenix?
>No.  At least, not a generic one common to many strains of Unix.
>Of course, this has drawbacks to the point of near impossibility, if the
>program is a visual (eg Curses-based) one.

Curses print screen routine is easy. I've written one for bsd and xenix
(i should make a note, not the same). Just hack(if you can call it that)
around with the internal 'window' structure.
conan@vax1.acs.udel.edu OR conan@