[comp.sources.wanted] DVI Driver for RipPrint Printer

jeffl@berick.uucp (Jeff Lawhorn) (06/21/89)

I am in very serious need of a DVI driver for use with a RipPrint
based laser printer.  We have a number of TeX users here, and we
have just learned (the hard way...) that our PostScript printer
has gone away.  That leaves us with 2 choices for which printer
we want to use, an old HP Laserjet, or the printer that came with
the Interleaf stuff.  Since we routinely print 50+ page
documents, the Laserjet is perty much out of the question.  So
does anyone know where I can get my hands on a DVI driver that
will spit out something that the RipPrint printer will

Thanks in Advance for any info.


Jeff Lawhorn                 I know I had a pithy quote sitting 
jeffl@berick.uucp            around here somewhere...