[comp.sources.wanted] Indent source available?

norm@oglvee.UUCP (Norman Joseph) (07/21/89)

Is the "indent" source code formatter in the public domain?  If so,
I would very much like to have a copy.  We don't get any of the "source"
newsgroups at this site, and are unable to "ftp" anything.  If it is
small enough to be e-mailable would some kind news reader offer to mail
a copy?  I have access to uudecode/zoo/arc/compress if that makes it
any less painful.  I could also send 360K DOS formatted floppies US Mail
if need be.

E-mail replies welcomed.  Thanks offered in advance.
Norm Joseph - Oglevee Computer System, Inc.
  UUCP: ...!{pitt,cgh}!amanue!oglvee!norm
    /* you are not expected to understand this */