[comp.sources.wanted] HELP! DespHellp! NeeVT100 Emulatoo

spiros@inmet (07/29/89)


I am in desperate need of a VT100 emulator for Sun's, so that I can
connect to, say, a VMS system from my Sun386. 

I have seen something called ''vt100tool'' and it looks pretty good.
Others also exist, floating in the net somewhere. I think I have seen
a couple based on termcap that did a good job.

Nothing really fancy, just your-basic-log-on-to-vms-and-get-mail type
emulator. I'll be connected to VMS thru a serial port on the Sun 386i
if that matters. I'm running SunOS 4.0.1, and SunView ...

Please mail any source code to one of the addresses below.

Thanks in advance,

Spiros  Triantafyllopoulos .-----. MS CT30A, Kokomo, IN 46902  | (317) 451-0639
A.E.S.,  Delco Electronics | G M | spiros%gmr.com@relay.cs.net | spiros@gmr.com
General Motors Corporation `-----' or.. striantafyll%kosds1.gm@hac2arpa.hac.com
[Temporarily at Intermetrics, Inc.,  Cambridge, MA.  inmet!spiros@uunet.uu.net]