[comp.sources.wanted] Wanted: Terminal emulators

jaysun@sleazy.eng.clemson.edu (Jay) (08/04/89)

Sorry to be posting to three different newsgroups but I was not 
sure which was best. Anyway, I am in need of terminal emulators.
I have vttool(vt100 emulator) and tektool(Tektronics 4014 emulator)
but I am in need of Tek 41xx series or 42xx series emulators.
Other terminal emulators can be put to use but the above are
what is mostly needed.  If any out there in Net World has knowledge
of where something along this line can be obtained I would be forever
indebted to you.

Jay Williamson                        Engineering Computer Operations
jaysun@eng.clemson.edu                Clemson University
Systems and Applications programmer 
|  "A conclusion is the place were you got tired          |
|        of thinking."                                    | 
|                                 --Arthur Block          |
Jay Williamson    <jaysun@eng.clemson.edu>