kas@qfagus.qfd.oz (Kas Sommers) (08/28/89)
I am looking for a data entry system to run under Unix. Currently we are using the GCS system which has dedicated GCS terminals inputting to a main-frame. We want to get the data directly into our Mips machines. It has been suggested that we write a data entry sytem in a high-level language. Well, we don't want to spend time doing that if someone else has already written it for us. I did try to write one in a 4GL (Progress) but found that it wasn't suitable for high-speed data entry and validation. The way GCS works is this. The data preparation supervisor write the specifications for the job (details of field lengths, field type, default entries etc) and these go off to the centre which owns the main-frame and someone there sets up the job. One of our operators then enters the data which is validated against the specs for range, type etc. Then a second operator enters it again for verification. Does anyone know of a similar system for Unix? Please email any responses. -- Ms Kas Sommers Information Technology Branch, | email: kas@qfagus.oz.au Department of Forestry, | phone: +61 7 234 0224 G.P.O. Box 944, | fax: +61 7 221 4713 Brisbane Qld 4001, AUSTRALIA | telex: QUEFOR AA 43988