[comp.sources.wanted] Menu Based User Interface for UNIX

corbin@maxzilla.encore.com (08/29/89)

I am looking for a menu based user interface for that runs under UNIX
(SCO/Xenix, Interactive, System V).  It is needed to allow computer
illiterate people to navigate around the system and run various canned
application programs.

I need something programmable so that it can be tailored to specific

Does anyone know of such a beast?  Are sources available?


Stephen Corbin
{bu-cs,decvax,necntc,talcott}!encore!corbin		corbin@encore.COM

Stephen Corbin	    UUCP:	{bu-cs,decvax,necntc,talcott}!encore!corbin
		    Internet:	corbin@multimax.ARPA

fmcgee@cuuxb.ATT.COM (~XT6510300~Frank McGee~C23~L25~6326~) (08/31/89)

In article <9785@multimax.Encore.COM> corbin@maxzilla.encore.com () writes:
>I am looking for a menu based user interface for that runs under UNIX
>(SCO/Xenix, Interactive, System V).  It is needed to allow computer
>illiterate people to navigate around the system and run various canned
>application programs.
>I need something programmable so that it can be tailored to specific

You might want to look at the AT&T FACE (Framed Access Command
Environment), FMLI (Form and Menu Language Interpretter), or ETI
(Extended Terminal Interface).  FACE and FMLI come with all versions of
AT&T 386 Unix, and are bundled with 3.2 Unix for the 3b2.  FMLI allows
you to build custom menus and perform data entry or run programs
from within the menus.  FACE is based upon FMLI, and allows you to use
Unix as a menu-based system, including system administration.  Using
FMLI, you can customize the FACE menus, or create your own set of

ETI is a set of C programming libraries that are bundled with 386
Unix.  It allows you to do FACE-like actions from within C programs.
ETI is very similar to and is backward compatible with the TAM screen
interface libraries on the 7300.

An FMLI Programmer's Guide is packaged with the Software Development
Set.  The ETI libraries are also documented with the Software
Development Set.

>Does anyone know of such a beast?  Are sources available?

Sources might be available through the 386 Unix source code product, but
that's VERY VERY expensive.

Frank McGee, AT&T
Tier 3 Indirect Channel Sales Support

johnk@opel.UUCP (John Kennedy) (09/01/89)

In article <9785@multimax.Encore.COM> corbin@maxzilla.encore.com () writes:
>I am looking for a menu based user interface for that runs under UNIX
>(SCO/Xenix, Interactive, System V).  It is needed to allow computer
>illiterate people to navigate around the system and run various canned
>application programs.

You might try calling Visix Software of Arlington, Va.  They have
two products (I've never tried either) that they will send you literature
on.  Try visix!rick@uunet.uu.net.

I don't know much about the products.  just a lead.


John Kennedy                     johnk@opel.UUCP
Second Source, Inc.
Annapolis, MD

dlw@hpsmtc1.HP.COM (David L. Williams) (09/06/89)

In article <9785@multimax.Encore.COM> corbin@maxzilla.encore.com () writes:
>I am looking for a menu based user interface for that runs under UNIX
>(SCO/Xenix, Interactive, System V).  It is needed to allow computer
>illiterate people to navigate around the system and run various canned
>application programs.
Why not write your own menus in ksh and run your users under that shell?

Pick up David Korn's book on the Korn shell, should step you thru it nicely.