[net.music] sportivo

djo (12/01/82)

The only live performance I have heard about is one in 1976
in Holland that my friend attended.  He went to see Golden Earring
and they were the opening act.  He has been an avid fan ever since
and is the person that introduced me to them.  I have never heard
of them being in the United States, only Europe.  If they do make
it to the west coast you can believe I will try my best to see

mas01 (12/01/82)

I am quite fond of unusual and relatively obscure music,
so if this group is who i think it is, they are no longer
together.    HOWEVER,  they did come out with one album
called "MISTAKES" which included an EP inside called
"MORE MISTAKES"  and it is quite fun.  Very satirical.

The album came out in or around 1979 and it may be hard to
find but there are some record stores that may still carry
it (Wax Trax in Chgo, Record Revolution in DeKalb, Rave-On
in Wheaton).

I'll bet they were GREAT in concert.

			Peg Smeets, IX