[comp.sources.wanted] Graphical representation of trees and graphs

dirk@kulcs.uucp (Dirk Craeynest) (12/20/89)

Some time ago, I asked the net for information on the graphical
representation of trees and graphs.  This was my message:

> From: dirk@kulcs.uucp (Dirk Craeynest)
> Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada,comp.graphics,comp.sources.wanted
> Subject: Graphical representation of trees and graphs
> Date: 6 Nov 89 10:12:35 GMT
> Organization: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Dept. Computer Science
> We are looking for pointers to software packages to display abstract
> syntax trees (or more generally -graphs) graphically, and to allow for
> interactive manipulation and modification of these representations.
> The software should preferably be public domain, in Ada and based on
> X11, although all information is appreciated.
> We are building an environment for the semantics directed construction
> of compilers, interpreters, etc. based on a newly designed
> metalanguage.  This metalanguage allows the user to describe these
> tools in a very modular and secure way as a number of successive
> transformations of an internal abstract representation of the source
> program.  The environment includes a symbolic debugger, and we would
> like to provide a graphical interface to the abstract syntax graphs
> representing program fragments.
> Please reply by e-mail.  I will summarize if interest warrants.
> Thanks.
> Dirk Craeynest

As promised, here is an overview of the replies.  As most messages have
been passed on to several people, I have included a From and Date line
per person.

Thanks to everyone who responded.


>From bryan%sierra.STANFORD.EDU Wed Nov  8 07:44:15 1989
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 12:07:19 PST
From: Daniel Winkowski <dgw@mimsy.umd.edu>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 88 11:49:21 EDT
From: magerman@linc.cis.upenn.edu (David Magerman)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 88 16:06:04 EDT

If you haven't received any responses yet, I may have something for
you.  I'm a student at the University of Pennsylvania.  I was working
on an NL animation project, and I needed to represent the arcs of the
parsing process in the form of an arc chart, where nodes represented
the position either before or after a word and arcs connected a the
nodes according to an array, with those arcs labeled with
mouse-sensitive objects, depending upon a labelling function 
provided at run-time.

The point is, if you don't mind lining up the nodes in the network
horizontally, then what I have might be what you need.  It is well
tested and, to the best of my knowledge, produces a minimum-sized,
non-overlapping (the labels, that is) chart of a directed, cyclic
graph.  As an added feature, it works with all of the 7.2 hardcopy
stuff, so you can hardcopy any chart.

If you're interested in taking a look at what I have, send me mail at

-- David Magerman
   University of Pennsylvania, LINC Lab


>From bryan%sierra.STANFORD.EDU Wed Nov  8 07:44:15 1989
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 12:07:19 PST
From: Daniel Winkowski <dgw@mimsy.umd.edu>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 88 11:49:21 EDT
Date: Tue 20 Sep 88 16:27:19-PDT

In addition to the format-graph-from-root stuff in Genera, you may
also be interested in the ISI Grapher (contact Gabriel Robins:
gabriel@vaxa.isi.edu).  Although a bit large, it is faster than
format-graph-from-root for large graphs.  It provides a zoomed out
picture of the entire graph which may be used to scroll a zoomed in


>From bryan%sierra.STANFORD.EDU Wed Nov  8 07:44:15 1989
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 12:07:19 PST
From: Daniel Winkowski <dgw@mimsy.umd.edu>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 88 11:49:21 EDT
From: Bruce Israel <israel@brillig.umd.edu>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 88 17:38:17 EDT

I just started installing ISI-Grapher at work, which is a package to
do that sort of thing, available from USC-ISI.  I don't know how much
it costs or anything like that.  I can look up more exact contact
information if you are interested.



>From bryan%sierra.STANFORD.EDU Wed Nov  8 07:44:15 1989
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 12:07:19 PST
From: Daniel Winkowski <dgw@mimsy.umd.edu>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 88 11:49:21 EDT
From: George McKee <mckee@corwin.ccs.northeastern.edu>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 88 11:46:59 EDT

I have a vague memory of Ken Forbus at Illinois mentioning some such
thing in a response to a similar inquiry a few months ago.  I sent
him email asking about it but never got a reply (we've been having
internal network trouble, so his answer may not have gotten through).
The system Forbus mentioned was hacked together by a grad student and
may have worked under "Genera" 6.1 only.

There's the ISI Grapher, but that's free only to Government sites.

I've also got networks I'd like to draw on the screen; if you hear
about reasonably generic code to do such things, I'd appreciate
knowing what you find out...
- George McKee
  College of Computer Science
  Northeastern University, Boston 02115
CSnet: mckee@Corwin.CCS.Northeastern.EDU
Phone: (617) 437-5204
uucp: ...iuvax!corwin!mckee		(don't ask why)


>From bryan%sierra.STANFORD.EDU Wed Nov  8 07:44:15 1989
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 12:07:19 PST
From: Daniel Winkowski <dgw@mimsy.umd.edu>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 88 11:49:21 EDT
From: denny%dione.CRAY.COM@uc.msc.umn.edu (Denny Olson)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 88 14:15:31 CDT


> Is there any public software available for drawing directed cyclic or
> graphs? 

Check with Dr. Ken Forbus of the University of Illinois. 
[forbus@p.cs.uiuc.edu]  He posted something about this type of tool his
group has produced at Illinois some time ago.

Denny Olson
Cray Research, Inc.


>From bryan%sierra.STANFORD.EDU Wed Nov  8 07:44:15 1989
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 12:07:19 PST
From: Daniel Winkowski <dgw@mimsy.umd.edu>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 88 11:49:21 EDT
From: csw@Sun.COM (Christopher Warth)
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 88 12:04:02 PDT

Steve North at Bell Labs has a program called DAG to do exactly what
you want.  It is probably not public domain but you might want to talk
to the author anyway.  He can certainly supply copious references.

Send mail to north@ulysses.att.com
He'll probably contact you directly if he sees your posting.



>From bryan%sierra.STANFORD.EDU Wed Nov  8 07:44:15 1989
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 12:07:19 PST
From: Stephen C. North <north%hector@att.arpa>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 88 15:43:21

Phong Vo, Emden Gansner, and I wrote DAG.
It is based on the Sugiyama heuristics.
Our contributions are:
  optimal node ranking
  improved mincross heuristics (often 50% less)
  final node placement using an L1 program
  an algorithm that gives good approximate solutions
  to the L1 program and is much faster.
We have a paper that is about to appear in SPE that more or
less describes this in the usual SPE style.  You could get
something working from this or even from reading the Sugiyama
paper.  We are working on a more detailed and formal presentation
of the algorithms.

We are trying to get binary release to certain universities and
I put Stanford on the list.  I hate to promise anything but it
looks like the forces of good may win at least this much.

If you send me your postal mailing address, I'll send you a
preprint of the paper.

Stephen North


>From bryan%sierra.STANFORD.EDU Wed Nov  8 07:44:15 1989
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 12:07:19 PST
From: Daniel Winkowski <dgw@mimsy.umd.edu>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 88 11:49:21 EDT
From: rutgers!parns.NSC.COM!barnes

The Sungrab Graph Layout Package is a set of C routines which accepts
a specification for a directed graph.  It attempts to find a
two-dimensional layout of the graph which minimizes the number of

It's documented in Software Practice and Experience, Jan 1987.
The paper is by L. Rowe et al.

I have seen results from this package and it looks good, but I haven't
seen or used the code.  I should be grateful if you would mail me any
information you find about graph packages, too.  I'm more interested in
packages running on X Windows, but anything can probably be re-targeted,
as the real work is in the layout algorithm.

tim barnes		barnes@parns.nsc.com
(408) 721 6169		...!sun!nsc!parns!barnes


>From bryan%sierra.STANFORD.EDU Wed Nov  8 07:44:15 1989
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 12:07:19 PST

     sungrab - sun graph browser


     sungrab [ -a aspect ratio ] [ -E ] [ -P ] [ -S ] [ name ]


     Sungrab is an editor for directed graphs.  The graph is
     specified  in the file named name.  If no input file is
     specified, the file ``default.graph'' is assumed.

     Sungrab reads the input file and automatically lays out
     and  displays  the  graph.   The user can then edit the
     graph interactively (i.e., add, delete, and move  nodes
     and  edges), print a hard copy of the graph on a Varian
     plotter, or save the graph in a file for  future  edit-
     ing.  The graph can be saved in sungrab format for sub-
     sequent browsing, or it can be saved in gremlin  format
     for  inclusion in a troff document or for further edit-
     ing with gremlin.

     The options are as follows:

     -a   Allows the user to specify the aspect ratio  of  a
          subsequently  saved  gremlin  image.  That is, the
          number specified after the -a  flag  controls  the
          ratio  of  the  x-axis  width to the y-axis width.
          For example, invoking sungrab with the option  -a2
          will  produce gremlin files whose images are twice
          as wide as they  are  tall;  -a0.33  will  produce
          gremlin files whose images are three times as tall
          as they are wide.  The default aspect ratio is 1.

     -E   Nodes and edges "explode" when they  are  deleted.
          For the easily amused.

     -P   Sends sungrab into pbrowse mode.  See the  pbrowse
          manual page.

     -S   Turns on the remote procedure  call  interface  of
          sungrab.  The  protocol is described in the client
          manual page.

     Before running sungrab, it is  necessary  to  start  up
     suntools and to open up a window.

     The format of the input file is as follows.  The  first
     field on a line begins at the left margin.  Fields on a
     line are separated by tab characters (indicated here as
     ``<tab>'').   All  lines before the line beginning with
     ``*NAME*'' are ignored.  After the keyword  ``*NODES*''
     all  the nodes are listed by name, one per line.  After
     the keyword ``*EDGES*'' the edges are listed,  one  per
     line,  by  specifying  a  source node and a destination
     node, separated by a <tab>.

          title of graph
          from_node <tab> to_node
          from_node <tab> to_node


     pbrowse(local), client(local), gremlin(local), suntools(sun)
     Sungrab -- A Browser for Directed Graphs
     Sungrab: A Tutorial


     The GRAB Group


     +    If do a zoom, then a screen stretch, then a  zoom,
          then  do  a  size  to fit, we will get back to the
          screen of the  zoom  before  the  screen  stretch,
          instead of the original screen.

     +    Left mouse button in browse mode acts funny  some-
          times (though not lately).

     This is a pre-release version of sungrab.  Please  send
     bugs and comments to grab@ingres.Berkeley.EDU.

     sources on postgres.berkeley.edu


>From bryan%sierra.STANFORD.EDU Wed Nov  8 07:44:15 1989
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 12:07:19 PST
From: lim@iris.ucdavis.edu (Lloyd Lim)
Date: 6 Jul 89 20:07:31 GMT
Subject: graph layout summary

Here is the summary of references for graph layout that I promised.  I
thought I had a longer list but when I finally checked through all of
my responses, most of them turned out to be requests for summaries.
Some references were to vague for me to locate.  At the least, three
good surveys are listed here and some newer articles I found myself are
listed.  This should give anyone a good start.  Note that graph
drawing, layout, and embedding are all terms for the same thing.

The following three papers provide good surveys and/or bibliographies
of graph layout problem.

P. Eades and R. Tamassia, "Algorithms for Drawing Graphs: An Annotated
Bibliography", Technical Report #82, Department of Computer Science,
University of Queensland, Australia, 1987

R. Tamassia, G. Battista, and C. Batini, "Automatic Graph Drawing and
Readability of Diagrams", IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., SMC-18
(1988), pp. 61-79

E.B. Messinger, "Automatic Layout of Large Directed Graphs", TR
88-07-88, Department of Computer Science, University of Washington
   The address to write to for obtaining this one is:
      Dept. of Computer Science, FR-35
      University of Washington
      Seattle, WA  98195

This is here for the hell of it.  I think it's one of the first papers
on graph drawing.

W.T. Tutte, "How to Draw a Graph", Proc. London Math Soc., v. 3 (1963),
pp 743-768

I received a copy in the mail of the following paper.  I don't know if
it is published or being considered for publishing at the moment.  It
gives O(e) algorithms for planarity testing, planar embedding, and
computing the total number of different planar embeddings and an O(e
log v) algorithm for finding the maximal planar subgraph of the input
graph.  I'm not sure if these algorithms are of practical use but they
are theoretically important.  The planarity algorithm is simplified
while the maximal planar subgraph algorithm is a new result.

J. Cai, X. Han, and R.E. Tarjan, "New Solutions to Four Planar Graph

Rectilinear graph layout algorithms have been studied a lot since they
are used for VLSI layout problems.  The following article describes a
divide and conquer framework using bifurcators.  Layout area, crossing
number, and minimax edge length are discussed.  A good reference list
for VLSI papers is included.  I would say this paper is more

S.N. Bhatt and F.T. Leighton, "A Framework for Solving VLSI Graph Layout
Problems", Journal of Computer and System Sciences, v. 28 (1984), pp.

The following paper describes a linear time alogrithm for recognizing
and embedding planar rectilinear graphs.  Psuedocode is provided.

F. Hoffmann and K. Kriegel, "Embedding Rectilinear Graphs in Linear
Time", Information Processing Letters, v. 29 (1988), pp.75-79

I am most interested in drawing straight line undirected graphs.  This
paper is the general algorithm I was looking for.  The algorithm is
very simple.  Psuedocode is provided.  I'm not sure how the speed is
for large graphs since I haven't implemented it yet and the algorithm
is dynamic.  If anyone happens to know the email addresses of either
Tomihisa Kamada or Satoru Kawai at the University of Tokyo, I would
love to have them.  I kind of like this approach.

T. Kamada and S. Kawai, "An Algorithm for Drawing General Undirected
Graphs", Information Processing Letters, v. 31 (1989), pp. 7-15

The algorithm in the following article was reported to have
disappointing performance - 13 minutes for 280 nodes on a Sun 2.  I
think the above algorithm is slower since it takes 7.6 seconds for a
regular dodecahedron (20 nodes) on a VAX 8600.  Using an optimistic
extrapolation based on O(v**2), it comes out to almost 25 minutes for
280 nodes on a VAX 8600.

L.A. Rowe, M. Davis, E. Messinger, C. Meyer, C. Spirakis, and A. Tuan,
"A Browser for Directed Graphs", Software Pract. Exper., v. 17 (1987),
pp. 61-76

Thanks to all who responded.

Lloyd Lim     Internet: lim@iris.ucdavis.edu
              Compuserve: 72647,660
              US Mail: 146 Lysle Leach Hall, U.C. Davis, Davis, CA 95616


>From mcnabb%uxe.cso.uiuc.edu Wed Nov  8 07:42:40 1989
From: Dave McNabb <mcnabb@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 10:21:03 -0600
Subject: display and manipulation of trees


The only thing I have to offer at this point is a reference to a
paper by Reingold and Tilford which presents an optimal algorithm
for "tidier" display of trees.  Though the output device was not
graphical (lp or dumb terminal) the algorithm can easily be
generalized to better representation of the nodes and links; it is
primarily concerned with placement of the centers of nodes.

This article marked the end of a long battle over how to display
trees in the most pleasing or tidy form.  I can send you the
exact reference if you are interested, and may even be able to
locate a copy of the original code (Pascal I believe).  Tilford
left uiuc for Rational and has become an Ada guru; he might have
redone some of this work in Ada...

        David McNabb
        RIVERS Project
        National Center for Supercomputing Applications
        University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
        INTERNET: mcnabb@ncsa.uiuc.edu
        USENET: ...!{cmcl2,seismo,uunet}!uiucdcs!zaphod!mcnabb


>From mcnabb%iroquois@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu Wed Nov  8 23:47:40 1989
From: mcnabb%iroquois@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (David McNabb)
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 89 14:22:34 CST
Subject: Re: display and manipulation of trees

The "Tidier Drawings of Trees" paper appeared in IEEE something,
probably Computer.  Sorry but I cannot seem to find that reference.
I did find the tech report:

   Tilford, John S. "Tree Drawing Algorithms", Department of Computer
      Science Technical Report #1055, University of Illinois at
      Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, 1981, p. 65.

You might be able to get this by contacting Erna Amerman, Dept of
Computer Science, Univ of Ill. at Urbana-Champaign.  (email:
erna@a.cs.uiuc.edu)  If she is out she can surely point you at the UI
source for tech reports (which will charge you something minimal... []).

Let me know what you think.  If you are still interested I'll see if I
can get you an email address for Tilford, and/or source code.



>From bryan%sierra.STANFORD.EDU Wed Nov  8 07:44:15 1989
From: bryan@sierra.STANFORD.EDU (Doug L. Bryan)
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 12:07:19 PST
Subject: graph layout and display

> mcsun!prlb2!prlbcom!kulcs!dirk@uunet.uu.net  (Dirk Craeynest)
> Graphical representation of trees and graphs


I've built a quick-and-dirty 300 line Ada program which browses
our version of DIANA.  Other, more respectable, layout software
is listed below.  [see other messages -dc]



>From 4237_5606@uwovax.uwo.ca Thu Nov  9 00:16:08 1989
From: Eric Ho <4237_5606@uwovax.uwo.ca>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 89 17:00:55 est
Subject: Graphical representation of trees and graphs

   I know that there is a package (PD) doing the above mentioned things,
however, this is written in modula-2 by a guy in Cali. Tech.

   I think you should try ftp to simtel20.arpa, there is a ADA directory
containing various PD ada sources, hope this helps!

best wishes,
Rare as is true love, ture friendship is still rarer.
    - La Rochefoucauld


Dirk Craeynest                    | bitnet: dirk@blekul60.bitnet
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven    | domain: dirk@cs.kuleuven.ac.be
Department of Computer Science    | uucp:   dirk@kulcs.uucp
Celestijnenlaan 200 A             |     {uunet,mcsun}!prlbcom!kulcs!dirk
B-3030 Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium | phone:  +(32) 16-200656 x3555
telex: 23674 kuleuv b             | fax:    +(32) 16-205308