[comp.sources.wanted] MNP emulation software for non MNP modems

logex@altger.UUCP (logex) (12/16/89)

I wrote:

>> Hi all netlanders:
>> A few months ago, i requested for a program to be able to
>> communicate with an MNP modem using a NON MNP modem.
>> I got a reply, and i received thru email (uuencoded), an
>> ARC file of a program to do such a job.
>> Unfortunately, our disk crashed, and there was that file and
>> the email address of the person who send me the file.

----simon@sirius.ucs.adelaide.edu.au  replied:

        It's available for anon-ftp from a site in the us. I can
dig up the name if you need it.

        Simon Hackett
        Adelaide Uni
        South Australia

-----I write again:

Simon, due to mailing problems to your host, and because i have
receieved lots of inquieres about forwarding a copy of this softwe
could you post, and mail me; if possible; such ftp address.

I can ftp the program, uuencode it and post it to the net.

Thanks for your reply.  Cheers.



dick@slvblc.UUCP (Dick Flanagan) (12/18/89)

In article <2152@altger.UUCP> logex@altger.UUCP (logex) writes:
>>> A few months ago, i requested for a program to be able to
>>> communicate with an MNP modem using a NON MNP modem.
>I can ftp the program, uuencode it and post it to the net.

If the software in question is MTE by MagicSoft, please be aware that it is
copyrighted commercial software.  It is NOT any form of shareware.  If you
are referring to some other software, feel free to ignore me!  8-)


Dick Flanagan, W6OLD, CFII, CFIG             Cherokee 235 N9212W
UUCP: ...!uunet!slvblc!dick                  GEnie: FLANAGAN
Internet: slvblc!dick@uunet.UU.NET           POB 155, Ben Lomond, CA 95005

logex@altger.UUCP (logex) (12/19/89)

(again), I wrote:

In article <2152@altger.UUCP>, logex@altger.UUCP (logex) writes:
> I wrote:
> >> Hi all netlanders:
> >>
> >> A few months ago, i requested for a program to be able to
> >> communicate with an MNP modem using a NON MNP modem.
> >>
> >> I got a reply, and i received thru email (uuencoded), an
> >> ARC file of a program to do such a job.
> >>
> >> Unfortunately, our disk crashed, and there was that file and
>> the email address of the person who send me the file.

The program i received, as i mentioned before, was for an
MSDOS machine, i had the opportunity to test it with MNP 5
modems and a Hayes 1200-B internal modem (non MNP).

I tested the program with MICROCOM and with Traiblazer 2500+ modems,
both of them with MNP..

It all worked fine, i had no single problem emulating the MNP stuff
with software.

I had received many mails, telling me that MNP is a synchronus only
protocol, i won't discuss this, but ijust want to mention that using
the modems i mentioned above it all worked fine.

The executable file was named MTE.EXE (as far as i remember).

If i receive the file again, i will uuencode it, and post it to
the net.

Thanks to all who have replied to my post.



dpz@convex.com (David Paul Zimmerman) (12/24/89)

logex@altger.UUCP (logex) writes:

>> >> I got a reply, and i received thru email (uuencoded), an
>> >> ARC file of a program to do such a job.

>The executable file was named MTE.EXE (as far as i remember).

Sounds like the MTE program I saw advertised as bundled with the Intel 2400
modem.  It may be illegal to distribute it as you'd like to, unless it says
share/free/pdware somewhere in its banners.

David Paul Zimmerman                                             dpz@convex.com
CONVEX Computer Corp                                                 convex!dpz

dennis@virtech.uucp (Dennis P. Bednar) (12/27/89)

In article <76@slvblc.UUCP>, dick@slvblc.UUCP (Dick Flanagan) writes:
> In article <2152@altger.UUCP> logex@altger.UUCP (logex) writes:
> >>> A few months ago, i requested for a program to be able to
> >>> communicate with an MNP modem using a NON MNP modem.

Is there an RFC or specification that describes MNP-4
and MNP-5?  Just curious.
Dennis Bednar	uunet!virtech!dennis	(703)760-3357(w)   (703)437-4384(h)
Cable & Wireless,	Tysons Corner VA