[net.cooks] Strudel Suggestion: Re-posting

madrid@auvax (Roslyn Madrid) (08/09/83)

From: auvax!madrid (Roslyn Madrid)
Newsgroups: net.cooks
Title: Strudel Suggestion
Article-I.D.: auvax.207
Posted: Thu Jul 28 13:32:11 1983

  There are good instructions for making strudel in "The
Joy of Cooking".  However, I can't quite fathom making
a recipe which starts out, in effect, "Cover the dining
table with a clean sheet..." in a backpacking situation.
A large, smooth surface IS important.  
  Making strudel pastry isn't impossible, even for the
inept; I've done it.  But a much easier way of making
strudel is to use frozen Phyllo (also seen as Phillo) pastry.
If your supermarket doesn't have it, try a Greek grocery
store.  A friend of mine who is a fine cook in the Hungarian
tradition says that the results are as good as any but the
best strudel made from scratch.  