[comp.sources.wanted] uugetty

ccs@lazlo.UUCP (Clifford C. Skolnick) (03/03/88)

    I need the source to one of those bi-directional getty (uugetty) posted.  I
finnaly have the need for one.  Please drop me a mail message before you
Clifford C. Skolnick    |     - Don't quote me, I'm dain bramaged -
Phone: (716) 427-8046   |                       /   !kodak!gizzmo!   \
PACKET: N1DPH@KA2BHB    |  ...!rutgers!rochester                      lazlo!ccs
BITNET: CCS6277@RITVAXA |                       \!ritcv!ritcsh!sabin!/

dag@chinet.UUCP (Daniel A. Glasser) (03/09/88)

In article <33@lazlo.UUCP> ccs@lazlo.UUCP (Clifford C. Skolnick) writes:
>    I need the source to one of those bi-directional getty (uugetty) posted.  I
>finnaly have the need for one.  Please drop me a mail message before you
>   Thanks,
>     Cliff

I also have a need for such a beast, but the only sources I've been able to
find have been for SYSV or BSD...  I have a Unix system III machine, and
this system lacks several of the setXXid() and other accounting calls that
these seem to make.  Is there anybody out there with a version of uugetty
running under system III?  My machine is a Zilog System 8000 (Z8001).

Since I doubt that this is of general interest to the net, send me mail
(or sources through the mail if you don't mind) and maybe we can arrange
means to transfer these sources.

						Daniel A. Glasser
		Daniel A. Glasser	dag@chinet.UUCP
    One of those things that goes "BUMP!!! (ouch!)" in the night.
 ...!att-ih!chinet!dag | ...!ihnp4!mwc!dag | ...!ihnp4!mwc!gorgon!dag

jim@cs.vu.nl (Jim van Keulen) (03/05/89)

Dear Reader,

I am looking for the source of uugetty for my  Unisoft  SysVR3 system.
Is some kind person willing to mail me this source or direct me where
to find it?


Jim van Keulen				jim@yngling.cs.vu.nl
3641 LA  Mijdrecht,  
The Netherlands

paul@deadpup.UUCP (paul) (01/12/90)

Perchance would there be a freely redistrubutable uugetty for Sys Vr2
out there?

Paul J. Mech
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