[net.music] Grateful Dead New Years

woods (12/08/82)

  Does anyone have any extra tickets to the New Years Eve show at the
Oakland Auditorium? I was planning to fly out there from Denver for the show,
but was horrified to find out that it sold out within an hour. I am desperate.
I will take as many tickets as are available for just about any price. I've
never made it to a New Years show, but I hear it's really fantastic! 
I realize this is really a longshot, but USENET offers my best hope. C'mon
network Dead Heads, here's your chance to meet another like you. I can also
come up with a place to stay in the Bay area in exchange for selling me a
ticket. (If I don't get a ticket, I won't be going, so please don't ask me 
about that unless you can get me a ticket).
   Netters in the Bay area, keep your eyes peeled for any ads in the papers.
I guarantee to buy any tickets you can find for $50 or less, and possibly might
be willing to pay more (but I'm not sure I'm willing to pad the pockets of a
rip-off artist that much!)
