(Jay Libove) (03/29/90)
In light of the recent post of "pbm2chr" (convert portable bitmap in to text that come close to what the graphics looked like) and my recent acquisition of a good set of device independent pic, eqn, tbl, [tn]roff, I'd like to find some way to get it all working together - maybe get troff to output pbm? My ultimate goal is to have two things: one, the ability to see graphics created with grap/pic/etc... though I lack any form of graphical display device and also lack printer drivers for anything but text, and two, the ability to print out nicely formatted text using troff to an Epson dot matrix printer. Anyone got back ends for DITroff to do these things? Thanks! -- Jay Libove Internet: 403 Village Green Blvd, Apt 203 BITNET: libove@drycas Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313) 747-7454