[comp.sources.wanted] GCC configuration files for Motorola Delta system

peter@stca77.stc.oz (Peter Jeremy) (05/25/90)

Some months ago, I recall seeing a set of configuration files and patches
to port GCC to a Motorola Delta system.  Now that I want to install GCC,
I can't find them.  Did anyone save a copy of the article (or has anyone
else got GCC running on a Delta box)?  If so, please email me.
Peter Jeremy (VK2PJ)         peter@stca77.stc.oz.AU
Alcatel STC Australia        ...!uunet!stca77.stc.oz!peter
240 Wyndham St               peter%stca77.stc.oz@uunet.UU.NET

peter@stca77.stc.oz (Peter Jeremy) (05/30/90)

In article <902@stca77.stc.oz> I wrote:
+>Some months ago, I recall seeing a set of configuration files and patches
+>to port GCC to a Motorola Delta system.  Now that I want to install GCC,
+>I can't find them.  Did anyone save a copy of the article (or has anyone
+>else got GCC running on a Delta box)?  If so, please email me.

Thanks to all who responded.  I have several copies of the relevant article.
No more please.
Peter Jeremy (VK2PJ)         peter@stca77.stc.oz.AU
Alcatel STC Australia        ...!uunet!stca77.stc.oz!peter
240 Wyndham St               peter%stca77.stc.oz@uunet.UU.NET