[comp.sources.wanted] C Source for ranlib

ssdken@watson.Claremont.EDU (Ken Nelson) (07/03/90)


    I have a set of source and Makefiles which appear to 
    need ranlib to work.  Where might I find the source for
    ranlib so that I could port it to a Data General Aviion
    running a variant of System V unix call DGUX?

			Ken Nelson

robotvis@vision.auc.dk (ORNL studenter(stud. f90)) (07/03/90)

In article <7710@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> ssdken@watson.Claremont.EDU (Ken Nelson) writes:

>    Hi:
>       I have a set of source and Makefiles which appear to 
>       need ranlib to work.  Where might I find the source for
>       ranlib so that I could port it to a Data General Aviion
>       running a variant of System V unix call DGUX?
>			   Ken Nelson

  As far as I know, ranlib only sorts an archive (i.e. a library) so
  that your _linker_ performs it's work faster. It is not necessary 
  to run ranlib on your library.


darcy@druid.uucp (D'Arcy J.M. Cain) (07/03/90)

In article <7710@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> ssdken@watson.Claremont.EDU
(Ken Nelson) writes:
>    I have a set of source and Makefiles which appear to 
>    need ranlib to work.  Where might I find the source for
>    ranlib so that I could port it to a Data General Aviion
>    running a variant of System V unix call DGUX?
Are you sure your compiler needs ranlib?  I am running ESIX which is SVR3.2
and Gnu C.  The linker takes care of resolving all the references so ranlib
is unnecessary.  To keep various make files quiet I created a ranlib program
with the following command:
    touch ranlib; chmod 755 ranlib
This creates a program that always returns a successful status.  This will
satisfy make files while doing nothing.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain (darcy@druid)     |   Government:
D'Arcy Cain Consulting             |   Organized crime with an attitude
West Hill, Ontario, Canada         |
(416) 281-6094                     |

guy@auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) (07/04/90)

>  As far as I know, ranlib only sorts an archive (i.e. a library) so
>  that your _linker_ performs it's work faster. It is not necessary 
>  to run ranlib on your library.

In fact, the "ar" that comes with System V has "ranlib" built into it,
so it *definitely* shouldn't be necessary to run it under DG/UX....

Remove the "ranlib" calls, see if it works, and if it does complain to
the author of the source and Makefiles that their stuff isn't portable
enough.  (Of course, if it was written by somebody who'd never seen
anything without "ranlib" before, you may find other portability