[net.cooks] How to: Seafood

twt@uicsl.UUCP (10/28/83)

uicsl!twt    Oct 28 00:39:00 1983

My husband is going to Boston for a week in a week.  He is bringing me back
two lobsters, some scallops and some swordfish.  Even though I am a 
midwestern city kid (Chicago), I still know what to do with a lobster.  How-
ever, I really have trouble with scallops, and I've never cooked swordfish
(though I love to eat it).  My query, can anyone recommend a good seafood
cookbook.  When it comes to frozen fish or canned fish, I don't really ca sugar.
Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt;
add alternately with orange juice.
Beat well.
Stir in vanilla.
Pour 1/2 batter into a greased and floured 10-inch bundt
or tube pan.
Sink 1/2 of the apple slices into the batter.
Sprinkle generously with cinnamon and sugar.
Pour remaining batter into the pan.