[comp.sources.wanted] PL/1 compiler needed

mfc@medoc.ec.bull.fr (Matt.Caprile) (08/27/90)

Believe it or not, I need to find a PL/1 compiler for UNIX(tm).
It has to eventually run on a Bull DPX2/340, but any information
is appreciated, even on XENIX or UNIX386.

[ The Bull DPX2/340 is a Motorola 68030-based machine, with
  a UNIX System V Rel 3.0.  ]

Reply by -email, and I will summarize to the net (If anyone
replies :-)


 Matt.Caprile@ec.bull.fr  (or  {uunet!}inria!ec.bull.fr!Matt.Caprile)
 Bull S.A.
 1, rue de Provence           phone : +33 76 39 77 52
 B.P. 208                     fax   : +33 76 39 75 18
 38432 Echirolles CEDEX       telex : 980 648 F