c60c-3gh@e260-1d.berkeley.edu (Eric van Bezooijen) (09/06/90)
Newsgroups: ca.wanted Subject: Bitmaps Summary: Expires: Sender: Reply-To: c60c-3gh@e260-1d (Eric van Bezooijen) Followup-To: Distribution: ca Organization: University of California, Berkeley Keywords: Hi there students! I am writing program a which needs bitmap for a ufo. Not being an artist, I am asking you to mail me a clever, 16x16 bitmap of an ufo (white pixels on black pixels). It should be neat-looking, and there is no limit to the level of cute-ness! Think of it as a contest. The bitmaps I use will have your name in my program forever, along with your name displayed proudly at the beginning of the program. Remember, they should be in x11 format, but if they are not, tell me, I know how to convert them from x10 to x11. Thanks a million, Eric van Bezooijen. Berkeley:-)Studying:-(Sleeping:-)Dishes:-(Xtrek:-)Class:-(Griljor:-)Physics:-( W "Having a burglar alarm on a Yugo is like farting in a house filled with M o methane!" , self ||| "I'm an OR-DI-NA-RY guy", The Talking Heads, BURNING u r DOWN THE HOUSE ||| "You don't F**K with the Department of Motor Vehicles, s k Mr. Anderson, we can make your life a living hell", good quote, bad movie. i :-(Napping:-)Engineering Department:-(Eating:-)Finals:-(Programming:-)X-:((-:c