[comp.sources.wanted] src for "grn" anyone?

jsin@seashell.seas.ucla.edu (Just Another John) (10/02/90)

Does anyone know where I might ftp a copy of "grn" program, which I
understand is a PreProcessor to ditroff/troff?  I have been able to
find gremlin or xgremlin, but they seem to produce gremlin files,
rather than incorporating an existing one to *roff file.

Any help is appreciated.
John (Jonghoon) Sin       (Above opinions are my own etc, etc, etc...)
UCLA SEASnet Facilities   InterNet: jsin@seas.ucla.edu
2567 Boelter Hall         UUCP:  ...!(uunet,ucbvax,rutgers)!seas.ucla.edu!jsin
Los Angeles, CA. 90024    Phone: (213) 825-3556