[comp.sources.wanted] Looking for a BSD 4.2 window manager on vt220

gt0963d@prism.gatech.EDU (The Dreamer) (10/31/90)

I am looking for a BSD4.2 window manager that can let
me create overlapping windows on a VT220 terminal.

I use SCREEN right now. But I would like to have windows
that do not cover the entire screen and hence let me
monitor more than one window at a time.

I tried the curses based wm (from old comp.sources.
unix archives). Since I could not locate the libcurses
sources therefore I could not build the libcurses
library with the patches supplied with wm. I tried
using the existing libcurses with our SunOS 4.0.3.
The program core dumped and locked the terminal.

I would appreciate any help VERY VERY MUCH.

Thanks so much
I shall wait for you at Star's End