[comp.sources.wanted] Could you help ?

leoh@hardy.hdw.csd.harris.com (Leo Hinds) (11/06/90)

In article <1990Nov5.033515.1257@agora.uucp> alexc@agora.uucp (Alex Chan) writes:
>	Has any of you heard of the program called 'expresso' ?
>	This program would allow you solve/minimize a complex set of boolean
>	expression(s). If you have, do you know where I could get hold
>	of a IBM-PC version of such program ( expresso ). Thanks.

The espresso program is part of the Berkeley VLSI tool set.  I one time I 
compiled it with TC2.0 ... some tuning was required but thing appeared to work 
well.  Let me know if you want me to mail/post ...

leoh@hdw.csd.harris.com         	Leo Hinds       	(305)973-5229
Gfx ... gfx ... :-) whfg orpnhfr V "ebg"grq zl fvtangher svyr lbh guvax V nz n
creireg ?!!!!!!? ... znlor arkg gvzr