[comp.sources.wanted] Looking for LU decomposition

matt@nancy.uucp (Matthew Reynolds) (11/07/90)

	I'm trying to code a C program for Lower-Upper Triangular 
Decomposition to solve a matrix of linear equations.  The FORTRAN source code 
that I'm working with doesn't seem to work (or at least it's translation 
into C doesn't).  Can anyone either mail me a sample of C or FORTRAN code, or
tell me how to access this source via uunet (I'm a novice, BTW).

					Thanks in advance

					Matthew Reynolds

UUCP: uunet!nancy!matt
Voice: 703-968-5199

trh@ukc.ac.uk (T.R.Hopkins) (11/08/90)

In article <1990Nov6.180821.8298@nancy.uucp> matt@nancy.uucp (Matthew Reynolds) writes:
>	I'm trying to code a C program for Lower-Upper Triangular 
>Decomposition to solve a matrix of linear equations.  The FORTRAN source code 
>that I'm working with doesn't seem to work (or at least it's translation 
>into C doesn't).  Can anyone either mail me a sample of C or FORTRAN code, or
>tell me how to access this source via uunet (I'm a novice, BTW).
>					Thanks in advance
>					Matthew Reynolds
>UUCP: uunet!nancy!matt
>Voice: 703-968-5199

Netlib has a few C routines available -- the list is actually growing
slowly. This collection includes a linear equation solver -- it is based
on the Linpack collection of routines.

Try mailing netlib@research.att.com (US) or netlib@uk.ac.ukc (UK & Europe)
a message with the body

send sge.shar from c

A list of the C s/ware available can be obtained using

send index from c

A short description of all the libraries covered by netlib can be obtained

send index

Hope this helps,


damour@sol.ral.rpi.edu (Kevin Damour) (11/15/90)

You should take a look at the book called "Numerical Recipies" which
comes in C, Pascal, and FORTRAN.  This contains a rather extensive
listing of numerical routines with explainations( such as LU decomp. )
The source code is listed.  This is a great reference tool.
     Kevin Damour