[comp.sources.wanted] Linear Programming Package *****WANTED*****

dave@upvax.UUCP (David Taylor) (11/20/90)

One of our professors is badly in need of a Linear Programming package
that will run under BSD 4.3(or similar) on a Vax 750 , or Tektronics
4317 or xd88/* workstations. The package need not be free but as always
Free is good. If you know of a package plz email to me and I will distribute
info to interested parties.

Thx in advance.


> David Taylor, Senior Systems Operator | My opinions are my own and my boss <
> University of Portland                | Likes it that way..................<
> School of Engineering                 | E-Mail:                            <
> 5000 N Willamette Blvd.               | UUCP: ...!tektronix!upvax!dave     <
> Portland Or. 97203-5798               | ph: (503) 283-7309                 <