[comp.sources.wanted] Xbattlezone, battlezone, xbzone, bzone

sam@umd5.umd.edu (Sam) (12/05/90)

	I was told that this should be posted under comp.sources.wanted,
so let this be the last posting for this subject under any other topic.

	I would like to thank everyone who responded to the request for
information on this game.  I learned where it came from, and where it is now.

	For others interested in it, here is a brief summary of what I 

	1)  The game I want is an internal DEC demo that uses decrpc (thus
	    the interest in the source code and not just a trusted binary).
	    This is a multi-player version of the arcade hit battlezone.
	    I thought it was public domain.  Perhaps I can talk my DEC
	    sales rep into getting me a copy.
	2)  There is an earlier version (which the DEC code must obviously
	    be based on) available called xbzone.  It doesn't have all the
	    bells and whistles that the DEC version has and the source that 
	    I found is missing a few files.  You'll either need to find the 
	    files or have an f77 compiler.

 	3)  There is also a version called bzone available for Suns that
	    doesn't use X at all but uses the frame buffer instead.  I
	    didn't hear of any locations for the source code for this.

	If you are interested in trying your luck with xbzone, the source
	can be gotten via anonymous ftp from expo.lcs.mit.edu.  I could
	only get the fortran source to compile and run, the c code supplied
	needs a header file named f2c.h that isn't in the archive of xbzone.

	If you want the DEC version like I do, you can try asking your DEC
	rep for help.

dl2n+@andrew.cmu.edu (Daniel Edward Lovinger) (12/05/90)

sam@umd5.umd.edu (Sam) writes:
>         If you are interested in trying your luck with xbzone, the source
>         can be gotten via anonymous ftp from expo.lcs.mit.edu.  I could
>         only get the fortran source to compile and run, the c code supplied
>         needs a header file named f2c.h that isn't in the archive of xbzone.

	As I note in the README for xbzone, you will need to retrieve
f2c, the Fortran to C translator, from some nearby archive site. One
particular one (I should have noted this in the README ... *bonk*) is
research.att.com. Send mail to



	send help
	send index for f2c

in the body of the message. This will send you all of the gritty details
on how to retrieve it. f2c contains the two Fortran emulation libraries
in c (libi77.a and libf77.a) as well as the translator. You will need
all of it.
