[comp.sources.wanted] xprintf formatting routine wanted.

richb@sunaus.oz (Rich Burridge) (12/05/90)

I remember somebody posted this to one of the sources groups in the last
month or so (alt.sources I believe). It's a set of variations on sprintf,
which generate the output in a variety of formats. There was a followup
for centralised text.

It wasn't very big, so I'd appreciate mailed copies to richb@Aus.Sun.COM,
or a pointer to where I can ftp it from. I've looked in various sites
that archive alt.sources, but it's difficult to tell where it might be
with 400 files of the form 1234.Z, 1235.Z etc... and no subject summary
line listing saved away.

zcat *.Z | grep "^Subject" | compress -c >subject.index.Z

would be nice addition to this sort of archive directory.

Thanks in advance.

Rich Burridge,          DOMAIN: richb@Aus.Sun.COM
Sun Microsystems.       ACSNET: richb@sunaus.sun.oz
PHONE: +61 2 911 4212   UUCP:   {uunet,mcvax,ukc}!munnari!sunaus.oz!richb