[comp.sources.wanted] Looking for infon on Kent Software Tools

lwv27@CAS.BITNET (12/11/90)

Does anyone have any info leading to the Kent Software Tools,
one of whose authors is Mark Wheadon of the University of Kent at
Canterbury?  I was given a reference to these tools by someone who
had seen them but did not know much more about them.
Larry W. Virden                 UUCP: osu-cis!chemabs!lwv27
Same Mbox: BITNET: lwv27@cas    INET: lwv27%cas.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu
Personal: 674 Falls Place,   Reynoldsburg,OH 43068-1614
America Online: lvirden

mcw@ukc.ac.uk (M.C.Wheadon) (12/12/90)

In article <9012111623.AA03934@lilac.berkeley.edu> lwv27@CAS.BITNET writes:
>Does anyone have any info leading to the Kent Software Tools,
>one of whose authors is Mark Wheadon of the University of Kent at
>Canterbury?  I was given a reference to these tools by someone who
>had seen them but did not know much more about them.

Sure.  The tools we currently market are:

Ups   - A graphical debugger for C and FORTRAN (you can even insert fragments of
        C into your code whilst debugging!)
Fs    - A graphical file system editor (especially useful when manipulating
        large/complicated file trees)
Vdiff - A graphical file differencer (shows the two files side-by-side,
        and allows you browse the annotated differences)
Vf    - An intelligent file browser (shows bitmaps as bitmaps, tar files
        as a tar tv listing, directories, object files, .... and text.  Sold
        in conjunction with fs)
Guide - A hypertext system (can handle a mixture of pictures and text - a very
        rich set of capabilities)
Rtp   - A real-time execution profiler (shows where the time is being spent
        whilst the code is running).

Prices are very low for academic institutions, somewhat higher (but still
reasonable) for companies etc.

The tools run on a variety of UNIX platforms using X11, and on Sun3/4/386
under X11 or SunView.

Our address is:

        Mrs. J. Farmer                  Tel: +44 (227) 764000 ext.  7695
        The Computing Laboratory        email: jcf@ukc.ac.uk
        The University
        Kent CT2 7NF
  /  )        _/_
 /--<  . . __ /
/___/_(_/_/ _<__      Mark Wheadon.