[comp.sources.wanted] WANTED: Unix source for YMODEM-G or IMODEM

uchuck@uncmed.med.unc.edu (01/12/91)

Could someone point me to Unix source or executables for YMODEM-G or
IMODEM programs.  FTP will be ok, but PLEASE include the IP address.  We
want to put these up on our system so that we can take advantage of the
many 2400baud, MNP 5 modem users.

I will read this group for a week or so, but email would be appreciated.


  Chuck Bennett                               INTERNET: uchuck@med.unc.edu
  Medical Sciences Teaching Labs              BITNET:   uchuck@unc
  CB# 7520  University of NC                  PHONE:    919-966-1134(w)
  Chapel Hill, NC  27599-7520